Queue Management System Q-SERVE provides integrated
solution of Queuing Systems seeking high level of
customer satisfaction.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. MorbiImproves time management of Customers in public services. The system
maintains order and avoids dense queuing at service stations.Covers different service areas in most business sectors such as banking,
healthcare, clinics, government, Public services, Embassies and Telecommunication…etcProvides High Technology and quality compared with other systems, it is the
preferred and best choice recently established organizations especially in
finance and commerce sectors.Queue Management System QSERVE provides integrated
solution of Queuing Systems seeking high level of customer satisfaction.We developed QSERVE systems to suit your Needs:

  • QSERVE Model (PLUS) Suitable for managing multi-services, and multi-counters for high density
    queues and large number of service stations (PC based System).
  • QSERVE Model (ELITE) Suitable for managing multi-services and multi-counters for medium density
    queues at medium number of service stations.
  • QSERVE Model (LITE)  Suitable for managing multi-services and multi-counters for lower queues at
    lower number of service stations and ad-ons, provides Ding Dong Only.
  • QSERVE Model (ALONE) Suitable for managing single service and single counter, provided limited ad-ons (Ding Dong Only).